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mt_Davos_ 8

Fat skis were scarce. So Alex Herbert took matters into his own hands. He'd spent years fixing skis and he wanted to see if he could make them tougher. So he cut up his favourite (and only) pair of skis to see what was inside.
Now he was committed.
With two pieces of rolled steel and a bunch of car jacks as a press, Alex sorted out his fat ski problem and Kingswood Skis was born.
Though the start was rough, the aim has always been to make the best skis possible.
Making a pair of skis wasn't hard. Making great skis was. That took four more years.
We don't use car jacks any more. But Alex still makes each pair by hand.
The search for perfection continues...
It was the late 90's

Mac's Craft Collective - Kingswood Skis
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